
Ani Melikyan B.S. in Engineering Sciences ‘26

Ani Melikyan is from Berd, Tavush region. She is a freshman majoring in B.S. in the Engineering Sciences program at AUA. “I’ve always loved the idea of creating something new. In addition, I liked physics and math, and I thought that engineering could be a good option for me. Engineers, in my opinion, are the architects of our future. I want to gain a lot of knowledge and help create a bright and optimistic future for everyone. I chose AUA because it provides the best educational environment and community for personal and professional growth,” says Ani.

Ani is interested in biomedical engineering and aims to continue her education by pursuing a master’s degree in the field. While still a freshman, she has already integrated into student-led activities by joining math and tennis clubs at AUA. 

Expressing gratitude for having received her scholarship, Ani remarks that without the necessary financial support, she would not be able to attend AUA. “My family was in a difficult financial situation and could not afford to pay my tuition. I am very grateful to my supporters for awarding me the Hagop and Iroula Manualian Scholarship. I am doing my best to study hard and take advantage of all the benefits and opportunities the University has to offer in order to accomplish my goals one at a time.”


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